Committees & Appointments
Banker Assistant Pr. Bonnie Mercer
Recorder Assistant Pr. Jean Pennington
(Budget presented at Session in May)
Lynn Haller, Queen Chairman Mary Ann Confar, PQ
Pr. Royal Katie Savinski Chairman Pr. Karri Russell
Pr. Tirzah Kim Newman Chairman Kathy Ramich, PQ
Bulk Mailings
Ibis Club #13 Pr. Sherri Duke
Committee Ibis Club #13
Chairman Pr. Sara Clarke
Pr. Royal Pr. Katie Savinski
Committee Pr. Kimberly Kent, Barbara Grobler, JPQ
Pr. Gerry Mosler, Vivian Gould, PQ
Ceremonial Assistant Vivian Gould, PQ
Supreme Queen’s Official Visit Ceremonial,
Saturday, June 22, 2024, 2:00pm
Chairman Barbara Grobler, JPQ
Vice-Chairman Elizabeth Day, PQ
Winter Ceremonial, Monday, February 10, 2025, 7:00pm
Chairman Kathy Ramich, PQ
Vice-Chairman Linda Burton, PQ
Hospitality & Reception to Distinguished Guests
Chairman Brenda Elliott, PQ
Reception to Candidates
Chairman Carol Zahler, PQ
Vice-Chairman Elizabeth Day, PQ
Charitable Giving (My Gift Program/Foundation)
Chairman Barbara Lampi, PQ
Community Support for Hatasu Temple Members
Cards to Shut-ins Pr. JoAnn Shaw
Shut-in Visitations Lynn Haller, Queen
Pr. Chaplain Karri Russell, Club Chaplains
Chairman Pr. Sara Clarke
Finance Committee
(Examine the bills prior to each Session, sign the bills)
Chairman Pr. Gerry Mosler
Committee Pr. Chris Albin, Pr. Mary Vidal
Financial Review & Audit
(Review both Recorder’s and Banker’s records, April 2025)
Chairman Pr. Corie Moran
Committee Pr. Karri Russell, Pr. Sarah Arnold,
Barbara Grobler, JPQ
Investment Banking
(Review investment CDs and make recommendations)
Chairman Pr. Bonnie Mercer
Committee Pr. Royal – Pr. Katie Savinski
Pr. Tirzah – Pr. Kim Newman Pr. Badoura – Pr. Sandra Albertson
Pr. Banker – Pr. Darla Sluder Finance Chairman – Pr. Gerry Mosler
Chairman Pr. Karen Krows
Hospital Requests
Chairman Pr. Shelley Lampi
Chairman Elizabeth Day, PQ
Committee Elective Line Officers
Chairman Pr. Cathy Cook
Chairman Pr. Candy Starowski
Phone Committee
Chairman Pr. Cathy Dent
Committee Pr. JoAnn Shaw, Pr. Edith Grambo, Pr. Carolyn Adams
Queen – Barbara Grobler, JPQ Pr. Royal – Pr. Michelle Danner
Pr. Tirzah – Pr. Sarah Arnold Pr. Badoura – Pr. Sara Clarke
Chairman Vivian Gould, PQ
Public Relations
Nile Weekly/Smile with Nile Linda Burton, PQ
Constant Contact Pr. Robyn Montgomery
Newsletter Editor Pr. Ellen Jones
Newsletter articles due on: March 10, June 10, Sept. 10, Dec. 10
Newsletter publication dates: April 1, July 1, October 1, January 1
Queen’s Aides
Pr. Nancy Lambert, Pr. Sarah Arnold, Pr. Corie Moran, Pr. Darla Sluder,
Pr. Robyn Montgomery, Pr. Bonnie Mercer, Pr. Yvette Hunt,
Pr. Chris Albin
Pre-Session Dinners at 5:30pm Reservations
Pr. Gerry Mosler
Website Pr. Kim Newman
Social Media Pr. Katie Savinski
Unsung Hero Award
Chairman Lynn Haller, Queen
Ways and Means – Fundraising
This Committee has the responsibility for reviewing the revenue required to support the Temple budget and make recommendations. Revenue needed to meet expenditure requirements.
Chairman Pr. Sandra Albertson
Committee Pr. Cathy Dent, Pr. Chris Albin, Pr. Diana Atkins,
Pr. Yvette Hunt, and Elective Line Officers